Mindfully Integrative Show

Mindful Chat with Dr. Dolores Fazzino DNP RN, FNP-BC, CRNFA

June 25, 2021 Season 1
Mindful Chat with Dr. Dolores Fazzino DNP RN, FNP-BC, CRNFA
Mindfully Integrative Show
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Mindfully Integrative Show
Mindful Chat with Dr. Dolores Fazzino DNP RN, FNP-BC, CRNFA
Jun 25, 2021 Season 1

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Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP is a Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer, and an International Amazon Best Selling Author

With over 40 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Fazzino believes healing is a multi-faceted process. 

After witnessing the miraculous healing of her father’s physical condition as a young adult, Dr. Fazzino has dedicated her life to assisting people to Heal In Ways They Never Thought Possible.

Dr. Dolores takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in wellness and assisting her clients to unravel the energetic discord in their life. 

Known as the “Energy Whisperer,” her gifts, customized programs and strategies assist her clients to move through life challenges, and reconnecting with their inner self with grace and ease, creating lasting health and true wellness.

She is the author of 4 books, two of which are Amazon International Best Sellers. Her next book “Return to Self” will be available Fall 2021.


Featured Author of The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care at The Wellness Universe at The Wellness Universe

Dr. Damaris G. is an Integrative Doctor of Nurse Practice Family Nurse Practioner Mom, Veteran,. BC Family Nurse Practioner & Holistic Integrative health, Studies Functional Medicine
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Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP is a Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer, and an International Amazon Best Selling Author

With over 40 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Fazzino believes healing is a multi-faceted process. 

After witnessing the miraculous healing of her father’s physical condition as a young adult, Dr. Fazzino has dedicated her life to assisting people to Heal In Ways They Never Thought Possible.

Dr. Dolores takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in wellness and assisting her clients to unravel the energetic discord in their life. 

Known as the “Energy Whisperer,” her gifts, customized programs and strategies assist her clients to move through life challenges, and reconnecting with their inner self with grace and ease, creating lasting health and true wellness.

She is the author of 4 books, two of which are Amazon International Best Sellers. Her next book “Return to Self” will be available Fall 2021.


Featured Author of The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care at The Wellness Universe at The Wellness Universe

Dr. Damaris G. is an Integrative Doctor of Nurse Practice Family Nurse Practioner Mom, Veteran,. BC Family Nurse Practioner & Holistic Integrative health, Studies Functional Medicine
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Damaris Grossmann:


Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Hi, how

Damaris Grossmann:

are you? This is Dr. Damaris g from mindfully integrative podcast. Thank you again for joining in on this episode are mindful chat with Dr. Dolores Fazzino. She is 40 plus years in the health care field. She is an intuitive and energy whisper, a wellness expert for many, many years and definitely someone that I have followed, mentored. And she is an amazing author of four books and so much more. In addition to that she is an or nurse, she has so many things to tell you about. She's a spiritual healer. and wellness is just one part of what she knows and does throughout these years. And I can't wait for you guys to listen and see more about her. So Dr. Dolores, thank you so much for joining in today. Oh, Damaris.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Dr.Thank you so much for having me, I'm really looking forward to sharing. And I think your podcast is such a timely platform, because in healthcare, there's going to be lots of changes, and changes that, as we know, what we've been doing for so long is no longer working. And we're actually opening up to more possibilities. And you know, those of us who've been in the alternative world, integrative medicine, complementary and alternative is like, this is our time, this is really our time. And it's exciting to be here and to be able to step up to the next level of what healthcare could possibly be health and wellness care, let's say that, more than just health, it's wellness to

Damaris Grossmann:

know, I couldn't agree more. I mean, you have a wealth of knowledge through that through the year and through the years, and you know, to tell people about kind of where they should be going. How about just a general Fun fact of like, things that people may not know about you that you may not have shared with?

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Well, you know, what I was on a track when I was a teenager to become a concert clarinetist. It wasn't until the 11th hour that I switched, to decide to go into healthcare. And there's a whole story around that. And I would be happy to share that, because it's always an interesting, it was a pivotal point in my life when this happened. And so you know, people always ask me, how did you get into what you're doing? And, and why? What's my Why? Well, you know what, I have to go back to my childhood, I was born an empath, intuitive and highly sensitive person. And I was probably one of the the first Indigo kids that was probably born here on earth. And so I'm was wired differently, I felt things very deeply. And the big wave of people didn't come until decades later. So my parents really didn't know what to do with me because I questioned everything. And even when it came down to religion, I was born Catholic. I'm now a recovering Catholic. And I'm, you know, and I'm very spiritual. I'm not religious. But the thing is, is like what was happening during my childhood shaped my future. And you know, a lot of times you don't realize what's going on until you're on the other side of it. And you look back, and you see how all the dots lined up. So my dad was sick when I was, you know, from second grade to 12th grade. What had happened with him is that he went to the driving range through his backout had to have back surgery. And in the 60s, you know, he had back surgery, but he picked up a hospital acquired infection, ah, goodness. So he was on his deathbed. He was almost there for two months. They didn't have the antibiotics and the modalities to figure out what was going on at that time in the 60s. And he recovered from that got better. And then four years later, you know, he came down with a cold, and then he got really, really sick and ended up in the hospital again, got better, he would be in there for two months at a time. And this happened about four times between 1966 and 1976.

Damaris Grossmann:


Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

So growing up as a child in a household where you weren't allowed to feel. I took up music and that's I channeled all my emotion into music. And so I was on the track to become a concert clarinetist. And what had happened when I was 16, and that was about 1976. My dad was in the hospital again, for the same thing. It was like repeating the groundhog day, the movie,

Damaris Grossmann:

Groundhog Day, okay. Yeah,

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

it was awful and having that roller coaster ride, not knowing whether or not the other shoe is gonna drop. My father was going to be dead or alive was a scary place. So I excelled in music. And what was happening at Panama at the same time was that my mother was exploring alternative modalities for healing because she felt Western medicine was failing her. And I laugh about this now, but at the time, the National Enquirer was the big, you know, webinar or the big, you know, website back in the in the 70s. This predates anything you know, before

Damaris Grossmann:

internet. Yeah, none of that. Exactly.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

That was like Google. I laugh about it, because it is funny. But anyway, she came across this Presbyterian minister from Carroll, Michigan, who had the gift of laying on her hands. And she was fascinated by that. And she contacted him and what really wanted him to come see my father. However, my father was the biggest skeptic ever. He should have been from Iowa. The show me state, we're no mystery the show me say, Oh, yes. Yeah.

Damaris Grossmann:

Yeah. Because he was never he never believed in unless it was like, had exactly.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

So my father was in the hospital all at the same time when this was all happening. My mom said to my father, you know, I'm thinking about, you know, what do you think about that only my father said, only if the doctor says it's okay. So my mother marched down to the nurse's station, there was my dad's surgeon, and the surgeon, you know, my mom said to the surgeon, I'm thinking about having a spiritual healer come in to see my husband would that be okay? surgeon looks up not missing a beat said, Sure. That's fine. So my mom went back to my dad's room, shared the news with him, he agreed to have the minister come out. My mom then went back to the nurse's station where that exact surgeon was sitting. And she announced and said, my husband agreed to have the spiritual healer come, the surgeon looked up and said, What are you talking about? I never agreed to that.


Wow. But

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

yeah, that was the whole beginning of the journey. Now, at in 1976, I should have backed up a little bit. The cat scanner first came out, somebody put my dad underneath the cat scanner. And what they found was that whatever infection was going on with my father was stemming from where he had his back surgery back 10 years prior. So their solution at the time was he would have to have surgery, a spinal fusion. And remember, in the mid 1970s, back surgery and spinal surgeries were in their Neo five stages of development. Okay, so it came with a big risk factor of he would either be paralyzed dead, or he would be okay. And my mom was not going to have anything to do with that. So flash forward a month after that, I come home. There's the Reverend Holmes, my two grandmother's and my siblings, and my father. And, you know, he had my father sat down, and he said to my father, my father's name was Joe. Joe, I noticed one of your legs is shorter than the other. We all knew that. But I don't know how he knew that because my dad's shoes were nowhere to be found. He had left and he was barefoot. But he was able to see that there was something you know, not right. So he said, and he, I think he knew intuitively My dad was a skeptic. So he said to my father joke, put both your feet up. And sure enough, there was like a one inch gap. And he said, Put your feet down. And then he started saying prayers touching his solar plexus, his crown chakra, and, you know, quoting scripture from the Bible and stuff like that. And then what had happened was like three minutes didn't go by said, Joe, put your feet up again. And they were both the same length. In that moment, I've never seen my dad ball like he ever did, because, like I said, he was from the show me state even though he was and he had to see it to believe it. And in that moment, I knew that my path was no longer going to be in music, but it was going to be going into healthcare to show that there's a different way to heal besides what we meant, what we've been programmed to think

Damaris Grossmann:

you've been on this path for a lot. So you have seen, you weren't just doing in healthcare to just go into the traditional route. You were starting it. From the

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

beginning, I was always intuitive and curious. But let me just finish with my dad. So after that session, it was about a half hour, you're instructed to go lie down. And my dad slept for 24 hours because his energy field was completely open and it was getting, you know, reintegrated and he was processing. So he woke up 24 hours later, he went back for a repeat CAT scan a month later, they found no evidence of the infection. And in fact, he never had to have that surgery. He never had to revisit that problem in his life. And he passed away about eight years ago at the age of 80.

Damaris Grossmann:

a me He's saying, Yeah. How does he like through the years that, you know, he's, even though it was eight years ago, from that time until his passing, how was he with spiritual healers and the field and an obvious man, he

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

was very, he's very open to that. Because unbeknownst to me, I didn't know that my great grandmother on where his grandmother on, you know, his side of the family used to see she's this old Italian Sicilian lady, and people would used to go see her one day weren't feeling well. Hmm. So it was in the family, yet he was very resistant to it. And so, you know, my dad was, has probably been my biggest supporter my whole entire life. And I know that this was all this is all been pre planned. And it's been part of my journey. And I've learned over the years in connecting with the other side, because when you are connected, you're not connected just with your stuff, you connect your eyes, visit my my deceased loved ones daily. You know what I'm saying? It's not like they're gone. They're just in another dimension and frequency. And you could tap into that at any time. And my grandfather, his father actually orchestrated this whole thing, because he knew that he needed you know, it was not his time. But yet, it was part of what I needed to learn as well to get me to where I'm going.

Damaris Grossmann:

Wow, this this, this is the wait, we were going to different dimensions of Conway here. Totally. I love to know. With this, it sounds like that was one struggle in your timeline. But it sounds like you had many of parts that got you into this field. Obviously, that was like, I guess the starting point, but you transitioned over the years.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

And, you know, it is it's been it's been an interesting journey, I'm not gonna say it's been the easiest one. And I've really, I'm a firm believer in walking your talk and leading by example. And just being genuine and authentic. And fortunately, and unfortunately, it has been a positive and not so positive thing in my life to because I'm a truth teller, I see it as a I call it as I see it. And when you're an empath intuitive and highly sensitive person, when you don't have your boundaries firmly developed, that's when it gets a little dicey. Okay, because when we talk about empaths, intuitive and highly sensitive people, our energy fields are sometimes at the fringes and meshed with other things. We pick up on other things that are not ours, yet we feel them very deeply and try to heal them as if they are ours.



Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

What I have found is that sometimes when you're sensitive, and I think Damaris, you're probably like that, too, you could go into a room and feel the essence of what had happened before if there was an argument, or something not so good happened.

Damaris Grossmann:

Yeah. Energetically like, I feel that there is always some sort of, or how someone is feeling even whether good or bad. Yeah, that there's that sense. Like, oh, like, I'll go to someone say, Oh, are you doing okay, today? are you how are you feeling? Like, even if it was positive or negative? Yeah. But like, how did you know that? I'm like, I don't ever I know how to explain it, you probably have an even more depth thing. But yes, there's times when I just, I just know.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Well, the thing is, is like, for me, I've had to learn how to protect myself my energetic field, because you know, I love being by myself. It's just like, I enjoy my downtime, because that's where I get to recharge. Because sometimes, you know, energetically if it's two people outside, I just have to pull back. Because everybody's energy is, you know, excuse the expression sometimes it's an energetic shift show. Oh, wow. You know, especially when you go into a hospital when you're that way as well.

Damaris Grossmann:

How did you handle that as an Omar? Because you're no our nurse at in the

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

I Am, and actually, I'm not really an or nurse. I'm actually an assistant surgeon so I assistant surgeon, so

Damaris Grossmann:

Oh, that's just just that like, not just yeah, you know, like that. A lot.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

It's always interesting because, um, I always chuckle because, yeah, there's maybe 12 physical people in the room. But there's so many more behind the scenes helping out. And it's really kind of cool because my gift has always been to be able to read energy and defuse it and bring like a peace and calm to the area or, you know, to the area. And for the longest time I've been doing this type of work, you know, on and off for the last almost 30 years, I can't believe it's been that long. And, you know, it's like when you do something, and you know that you've done this before, it's like you take to it like a duck to water. And you don't even know why but you just are you just flow into that modality. And I think a lot of times we come in with these gifts that we've done before. And we're here to, you know, assist in any way we can to move things forward in in, you know, here on Earth.



Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

I think the biggest compliment I've ever gotten from surgeons was this, like Dolores, we'd love it when you're here, everything goes so smoothly, the patients do so well. So, you know, that aspect of my practice, you know, because I've been an independent contractor for a very long time. I never had to advertise my services, I was all word of mouth. And at one, at the height of my career of assisting, I was working with over 50 different surgeons in different specialties. And at seven different hospitals here in San Diego. But my that was my secret sauce. And it's about being able to, you know, we all talk about being the calm in the storm. Okay, but also, it's learning how to be the calm within yourself when everything else is going crazy.

Damaris Grossmann:

Crazy chaotic.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Yeah. And I, you know, I think, you know, I kind of jumping all over the place. But, you know, everything that's happened in the last year and a half around the whole COVID thing, right? It's no mistake. Because, you know, I look at it from a different perspective. I think in society, we've been geared to always be in motion and doing. And even in corporate world, in our culture, if you're, you're not considered a productive member of society. Now, unless you're constantly doing something.

Damaris Grossmann:

You're right, you're right, the average person doesn't know how to just sit down.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Exactly, because it's counterintuitive to what they they are. But yet, those are where the pieces of wisdom come in. And I had been teaching this theory for a very long time. And, you know, with everything with the COVID, you know, people have been on this, I'm gonna call it not a merry go round, but doing go round of life. It's just like they're on this merry go round that constantly goes, they know they have to get off the you know, they're not healthy. They're No, they're not happy. But society says you have to do do do like, make something happen, push a boulder up the hill. To me, it's fatiguing and exhausting. I know I live that when I created my first business. That's what it was all about. The unfortunate thing by doing that, I created an autoimmune condition for myself, and I was exhausted all the time. So I knew going forward like 1520 years ago that I had to do things differently, in order for me to be happy, healthy and wise. So I through meditation, I got this whole concept. And it's like, you know, you have a list of doing, when you're doing you're in your mind. When you're in your mind, you're not in the present moment. You're either contemplating yesterday, worrying about tomorrow, trying to make something happen. There's a lot of force and power and you can label it masculine, if you like. But there's also a lot of fear, a lot of anxiety, a lot of stress. And we know that just because of research and what we've seen in the industry is that when you have anxiety, stress and fatigue, you're it's a setup for getting sick.

Damaris Grossmann:

Totally. Yeah. It's a complete setup. It did, like you said, epic storm.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Totally. So you know what it happened, you know, so people know this, but yet they are afraid to get off that because how am I going to make my money? How am I going to do this, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, there are buisiness and they're, you know, if they have kids on top of that they're like always carting them someplace. And it's just like, they're not taking care of themselves. They you know, are constantly in motion and doing well guess what? The merry go round stopped last March. Like Kerviel stop,

Damaris Grossmann:

right, like fourth, like like period, end of sentence because you don't have a choice.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

You didn't exactly on a grander scale. We're

Damaris Grossmann:

joking about it now in a sense, but yet it's it was it was very emotionally driven, you know, but yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

And the thing is, it was interesting because now you have people who were always in motion, not knowing what to do with themselves because they are not supposed to be doing anything and You know, I always question if you have to be in motion all the time, what do you distracting yourself from?

Damaris Grossmann:

yourself are afraid. They're a very I mean, I have noticed for, you know, General conversations, I'm not even in a mental health, you know, perspective just the stopping for someone, they don't even know what that like it's like, oh, I have to stop. Oh, yeah, that that means I have to sit here with myself. Okay.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Yeah, ah, you know, and it's really funny. So when you know, we're trapped, you had to learn how to be. Okay. So it's not a this or that. And it's not a 180 flip, you know, but the thing is, is like, you have to learn how to, number one, be with yourself, because I love this quote, I made it up myself, the longest relationship you're ever going to have with yourself with anybody is the one you have with yourself. So what is that like? And how are you treating yourself?

Damaris Grossmann:

How do you know how to do that?


Oh, yeah,

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

you have to? Well, that's it. Do you know how to do that because I find that people are afraid to feel number one, because it scares the bejeebers out of them. They think once they lift Pandora's box of emotions, it's never going to shut. But that's also a misnomer. Because we know that once you step into whatever you're feeling, its energy, you step into it, you experience it dissipates, it neutralizes, you're on the other side of it,

Damaris Grossmann:

you're on the other side, I guess I say this more and more than all those struggles and those negative parts, like once you're in it, then you're able like the light opens and you're like holy cow, I can get past that. And there's so much more that comes from it. It's just hard to get sit in it.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Absolutely. It's uncomfortable. It's ugly. It's not pretty. But yet, I feel it's a necessity in order for each individual, to become more aligned with who they are. And being comfortable. Because the next piece is really important because when you are in being, you're establishing a relationship with your inner knowingness, your higher self, your intuition, whatever your God source, you God, Spark, whatever you call it, you are establishing a relationship with that. And that is your barometer. Because once you're able to get to that point, where you trust that inner knowingness, no matter if it's countered, or what's around you, and you stand your ground, you are you have regained your sovereignty as a as a human being.

Damaris Grossmann:

That's beautifully said. Beautifully said, I, I don't even have enough words for that. That's beautifully said.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Just take it in. It's just like, but it's the truth. Yeah, and how many times we as individuals have given our power away to something outside of ourselves. And you know, we're in healthcare, we see this probably more so than ever. You know, we have a whole society that is lost that inner knowingness and connectedness where we have all the right answers for us, it may not be the right thing for you, damarious, or our neighbor, but it's the right thing for you. And so, you know, we're going through a renaissance right now of reconnecting with our with ourselves. Basically.

Damaris Grossmann:

You do you think, though, like, obviously, there was negatives to the COVID sense. But do you believe that because you're saying that it was supposed to happen, and we're kind of trying to connect back to ourselves? Do you think that this was a purposeful, good thing in like, their, I don't know, a pot, I'm in a positive outcome of that all.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

You know, I feel that, you know, when you look back at every other, you know, crisis that we've experienced over the years, okay, like the 911 thing, you know, the the 2008 financial debacle, all of those were, I call them like Wake Up Calls. To You know, unite people, but also to, for people to wake up from being asleep, because we're unchain. A lot of people are unconscious. And we had talked about that earlier. It's just like, you know, in once your wake up, when people start waking up, and they realize, Okay, you know what, something's not right. I'm not feeling right within this, I'm not aligned with what this was. And they start exploring and finding out where their path is there they woken up to their mission and path. And there's other people who have already been there and are well into it and, you know, walking their path and, you know, awake. So it's like, there's three phases, some people are going to be unconscious and underweight this whole lifetime, that's probably what they signed up to do before they came, who knows, some people are, you know, going to transition and wake up at different parts of their lives, you know, you know, you might have been sleeping your whole entire life. And when you're 50, you saw all the sudden wake up, or maybe when you're 20, you wake up, who knows? Everybody's on their own path. But yet, many of us who have been here for a long time and have been awake for a long time, it's almost as if energetically we set the forefront to assist that. Because we had to be the pioneers. So to say, the wayshowers

Damaris Grossmann:

the wayshowers Yeah, that sounds right. I, yeah, we had talked about like out people, you know, where they are, and they're expanding their consciousness. And I think before, I mean, I'm still learning this myself, I would get angry, because I didn't see people wanting to wake up, or they didn't see the kind of things that I was starting to see. And I was, you know, I got frustrated, and no, I had to step in myself up and say, okay, that's not there, that's not your path, that's them. And you have to, you know, sit with that and, and be okay with this as who they are. And, you know, and you I always was trying to fix, like, not just fix, but like, wanting people to be awakened. And, and I can't force that, and I and I, that's a that's a learning process for me. And it is,

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

and the thing is, is that, you know, as a healer, you know, people would come to me, could you help heal my, my son's, you know, my brother or my husband? And I said, well, Are they aware that you're wanting to do this? Because the thing is, is like, maybe they don't? Right, and it's not our job to fix them. I said, because, you know, sometimes that happens when you interfere with a person's karma. That's worse than, you know, not doing anything at all.



Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

But you know, I think, the most important thing, especially when you get triggered by stuff, and we all get triggered, trust me, you know, nobody's exempt from that. It's like, we always have a choice. In those situations. It's like, Okay, I'm being triggered, do I react? Or do I pull back and just look at the bigger picture of what's going on? And, you know, why is this triggering me? I always ask that question, you know, as I'm kind of observing and not reacting. And that's taken a very long time for me to be able to do that. Because I find that as a student of metaphysical stuff, and you know, esoteric stuff, and woowoo, stuff, whatever you want to call it. It's like, how could I lead by example, but also, how could I make it better in a different way. And I read an interesting book, and it's actually from the spirit, his community, down in Brazil, there was a medium by the name of Alec cardiac. And he apparently would communicate with newly crossed over souls, on the other side, when they would make their transition over there, and he'd get the information. fascinating stuff. a showstopper for me was this, you know, we are told we have a life review. And we're on the other side, we go through every situation that we ever experienced. And, but it took it a step further. We experience every experience that we experienced in how we, and how it was received by the other person.

Damaris Grossmann:

So our perception might have been one way, but the situation is looking at out through someone else's eyes.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Yes. And also, you know, like, sometimes we say things out of anger, the impact that it had on that person in their life. To me, that was a showstopper.

Damaris Grossmann:

Wow. Because that's, that's,


it's huge.

Damaris Grossmann:

Because what your words you state and say, I have a reflection on how your life will be or how things will go forward.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

And you have to remember, everything is energy, your words are energy, your thoughts are energy, your beliefs are energy, when we all are contributing to collective consciousness, that big pool of everybody stuff out there. We are constantly adding to that. So you know, my hope is that for me, that whatever I do, I'm adding to that pot, but it's a positive thing to negate some of this. Not so nice stuff that's out there.


Not so nice because

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

it's a ripple effect. What you it's like collective consciousness is like this big, vast, calm Lake, okay. We're a pebble whatever we say or do we drop into that lake and it ripples out and it's affecting everybody. So you know, When you look at things from that perspective, it's like how can I make things different? Because we always have a choice? People don't think we do. But we do.

Damaris Grossmann:

That's an interesting way of putting it because I think initially everyone would choose, they may choose one way or react or or feel, or they may think that it's always this but it it's a, it's a conscious or unconscious unconscious way of thinking. And then I guess through time, I guess it's

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

when you're on automatic or asleep. That's where a lot of the reactive stuff comes in. We look at our society, what's happening sometimes, it'll give you a indicator of what's kind of happening.

Damaris Grossmann:

Yeah. Oh, that's very true. We'll have you'll have to be on the show again, to discuss more on that. I feel I another aspect, you have so much wealth of knowledge. But do you have a tidbit? Or a mindful? Well, I know that you've have many of aspects, but something that you could share with the listeners that that they could take away? And of course, we'll be following you. I'll have them in the show notes. But a little takeaway that,

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

absolutely, you know, I think the most important thing I could share with people right now is this. And I know, there are a lot of impasse, intuitives and highly sensitive people out there, they just haven't recognized that they are. And if they're ever feeling triggered, one of the first things that I tell my coaching clients to do is this, by the laws of the universe, if this is not my stuff, you're not allowed to come in my space. Okay, and I say this, because energetically, we're here on Earth, for, you know, to experience freewill, nothing is allowed to come into our space to affect us energetically, unless we allow it is sometimes the allowances and unconscious allowance. So when you state that a lot of times what happened things will switch quickly. It's it's, it's like flipping a switch. It's not about having to go through years of therapy or anything like that. People who know me that I'm a minimalist when it comes to like tools and stuff, because if it's too complicated, either hell, I'm not gonna do it. And I know nobody else will. But this is the most simple thing to shift energy quickly, is that if you're feeling something, and you know, something feels off, and you're getting really angry about something, or you know, just feeling really sad or depressed, and you're it's not your nature, or you walk into a building, and you feel like energies coming towards you. Just say if this is not my stuff, you need to leave my space immediately in the names of the laws of the universe. And that's it. And usually it'll go like this. So I invite people to try this little experiment because it works.

Damaris Grossmann:

I'm going to try it today.


Good for you.

Damaris Grossmann:

I'm gonna try it today. I feel like there's always something you know, at least through the day that that may come up. I'm Dr. Delores, I mean, you've been such an amazing guest. And I'm so appreciative of your time and your knowledge and just your your words for our listeners, and those watching. Um, I'd like to, you know, of course, find out how they can get to know you or reach out to you or if you have any upcoming events, please let us know. And of course, there'll be in the show notes and the links but you know, please share with anyone what's going on with you?

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

Well, I'm actually this is a very interesting time in my career. I'm actually getting ready to write my fifth book. And it's actually

Damaris Grossmann:

my one book.

Dr. Dolores Fazzzino:

And it's actually a book on the theory that we just talked about the doing versus being but it's about it's called like reconnecting to self return to to health and lasting wellness. And it's going to be probably available this fall. And I you know, we're doing virtual a lot of virtual stuff right now. I was supposed to be at a live event in Scottsdale, and that kind of got put on the back burner. But I know I'm going to be an event in in Phoenix. I know it's going to be in August. It's with wellness by choice and enterprising women with Angelina Moosa calm. So the exact dates for that will probably be on my website in the future, but people could go to my website, it's Dolores ficino.com. And if they need to contact me, they could contact me at Dolores at Dolores Pacino, calm and, you know, I offer sessions, coaching, healing all of the above and I'm really a good mentor too. So if somebody is looking for a mentor, I'm more than happy To, to advise and offer offer my two cents. No, I so, appreciate it. Oh, and the last thing too is that I'm putting together a course that will probably be launched as a beta in September. So look for that as well.

Damaris Grossmann:

Oh, wonderful. I can't wait. I can't wait for you to you know, bring it out, keep us posted. And I will have you back on the show probably even before then maybe, or after and we'll see. And we'll definitely have to find out more, you know, further things and we'll have different events. So I so look forward to, you know, seeing more of you and I thank you so much for your time, your space and you are definitely a multi faceted wellness expert. So thank you again, and for being on the show. And mindful, integrative podcast guests and listeners. Thank you guys. I hope you enjoyed our mindful chat with Dr. Dolores xeno and you will see all her links on our show notes and www dot Dolores xeno.com and all her upcoming events. Thanks so much guys for joining in today and hope you find a mindful way each and every day. No mistake

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