Mindfully Integrative Show

Mindful Chat with Dr. Jess Bell DO Energetic Osteopathy

January 14, 2022
Mindfully Integrative Show
🔒 Mindful Chat with Dr. Jess Bell DO Energetic Osteopathy
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Jess Bell, D.O., is an Osteopathic Physician – board-certified in both Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine – and Energy Healer. She is also the founder of Energetic Osteopathy™, which is a powerful modality that bridges traditional osteopathic treatment and energy medicine.

As an osteopathic physician with over twenty years of hands-on treatment experience, Dr. Jess “sees” into the body with great clarity. This inner sight allows for the transformational release of even the most difficult to locate energetic densities out of the physical body, returning the body to health and wholeness. 

Her practice focuses on teaching others how to understand and then heal their body from the inside out, clearing dense energies and catalyzing healing at the root level.

About Jess  
I’ve always known of my calling to be a doctor.
 As a four-year-old in preschool, I would collect all the band-aids in the medicine cabinet from my house, bring them to school and use them to “repair” wounds on my schoolmates. That was the first “medical clinic” of my memory.  I told my teachers I was healing them because
 I was going to be a doctor.
The calling to become a doctor remained a constant knowing throughout all my years of schooling.

I became an osteopathic physician in my early twenties and a pain management specialist in my early thirties. 

Working with pain, I identified my patients needed more than what the medical world alone could offer. 

Over time, I became aware of a much greater source of healing than I had learned about through my training and education.
 Traditional medicine, including osteopathy, does not incorporate a process of self-healing, self-actualization and self-illumination.
 I knew this was a missing piece to fully embody healing.

Early into the Covid-19 pandemic, I stepped fully into my true soul purpose when I received guidance to work entirely in a distance setting. At first, I was hesitant and did not believe that osteopathic treatment and healing I offered could translate into a distance setting. 

The moment I offered my first energetic osteopathic healing session, I witnessed a realm of healing I had only heard about but entirely believed to be true. The sessions became even more effective and transformative. 

Chronic pain and trauma that previously took many months, even years to resolve in my clinical practice were dissolving, transmuting a

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Damaris Grossmann:

Hi, how are you? This is the monthly integrative show, and this is Dr. Damaris, Maria Grossman. And today we have an amazing guest, Dr. Jessica Bell, just bell. And she is Dr. osteopath, and energetic healer and many of things in the integrative health space and I should say holistic space and health space. So I just really can't wait for you to meet her and all that she has to offer in the, in our health and to kind of open ourselves up into a new way. And she had a great way of saying it. She's bridging health. So I'm so glad that you got to come on the shell. How are you today? Dr. Jess?

Dr. Jess Bell:

Oh, I'm so good. I always love I just love this so much. having a conversation with like minded practitioner is just one of my favorite things. And then we can share this with the people.

Damaris Grossmann:

No, I'm Thank you totally with you there because I talked to a lot of different individuals. And it's like, when I do talk get to talk to another practitioner that is on the same page. It's like, yeah, they totally get it. Same drive.

Dr. Jess Bell:

Totally same tribe. Yeah, we got it when we have to band together.

Damaris Grossmann:

Yeah, absolutely. So as I tell others, that are listening and watching a little fun facts, you know, something that people don't know about you. They might not be defined on your website, and things that you know, they might not know.

Dr. Jess Bell:

Yeah, well, I, I talked about this a little bit, but I just think it's the first thing that pops to mind. And that is that I became a self healer at the age of 13. And that was because of an injury that I had when I was playing soccer. Actually, I was run over by a car when I was four. So that that kind of set me up for a major pain that I was getting as a 13 year old. And so really what set me up for my life was that I had this very mysterious pain radiating down my entire left leg and all of the doctors that I went to at that time said, quote, unquote, there's nothing that we can do. Just don't ever play soccer again. Oh, wow. And so what I what I basically decided at that time was that they were wrong, and I was going to prove them wrong. And so I went into the fitness facility, which was a Gold's Gym in Needham, Massachusetts, and I was I was just old enough to start lifting weights, I had no idea what I was doing. And I just watched and learned everything that I could, and I became a very impassioned, weightlifter exerciser. And it got so excited about that work and eradicated my pain. And that was the beginning of this lifelong path that I'm on to prove the medical community wrong. But the one thing that people don't know about me is that actually, while I was waiting to get into medical school, I was proposition because I was pretty my physique was very muscular, always has been. And so somebody approached me and said, Hey, why don't you come and do a bodybuilding show? And I will guarantee that you'll you'll do well, and so I did one show, and I got the best poser award in that bodybuilding show. So that's fun fact. Yes, I just love that so much. Because I didn't know what I was doing. I had fun. And I will never do another body building show again. But it was just kind of one of my, my little my little mini claims to fame in my youth. Oh, wow.

Damaris Grossmann:

Yeah, I mean, that could have been I know, just bodybuilding in general. And those kind of, you have to do a lot to your body. So I can imagine how much that was entailed. Good. Yeah. Yeah, it was one of those experiences I will never forget. Medicine. So obviously, as I had you on the show, because that you're one of the inspiring and successful people that have been bringing the integrative health, holistic and, you know, I say integrative health, because you're, you know, you you call it bridging and I love for you to talk about your story and what got you here and I know you just stated about this energy healing as a young child, you know, preteen, how did that kind of grow? Where did you go from that? Obviously, you're you went to medical school, but what made you transition from though just the thought of your through medical school? You know, you obviously thought something different.

Dr. Jess Bell:

Yeah, yeah. No, I actually didn't realize that I was an energy healer until it's been a growing awareness over the past few years only. So my story is a long one. And I know we don't have the time to

Damaris Grossmann:

go into okay, I mean, whenever you can put in your space and your time is fine.

Dr. Jess Bell:

Yeah, I you know, I was always because of my, my orientation towards self healing. I was always pre med. I mean, four years old. At four, I knew that I was going into medical school or that I was going to be a doctor. And that was just something I always have known. I, I believe I came here with that knowing I also believe that I I've been many, many past lifetimes, that I've served in similar ways. And so I knew that the path of the MD you know, the allopath was not really aligned for me. I didn't know what it was about it, but I've I was fortunate enough to learn about osteopathic medicine in my early 20s. And the tenets of osteopathy were the body's self healing and self regulating. And that the Osteopath is therefore trained to work with the health of the body as opposed to finding the disease. And those were just so important to me that I went to, you know, I invested all of my efforts on getting into an osteopathic medical school and, and so I did. And what I learned in school was a little bit lacking To be honest, I thought it was amazing to learn about how to put my hands on patients and treat them, as we learned in osteopathic medical school. And for those listeners who don't know, MDS and DEOs are both, you know, licensed medical professionals. They're doctors in this country. And they have equal privileges. But the Osteopath has an additional skill set, which is a hands on healing modality. And that helps patients to find balance and health in their in the tissues of their body and all of the organ systems. And so it's just a much more, he said the word holistic, and it's a very holistic approach. So many years of training and lots of different experiences. Later, I decided that I would step away from traditional medicine because I also am specialized in something called pain management or physiatry. And so physiatry is a field that can be really challenging in the outpatient setting, because opiate prescriptions are running rampant in this country. And the pain management specialist is the one who specialized in doling out these opiate medications. So I was actually board certified in an opiate practice that I wasn't aligned with. So patients were coming to me tough for, you know, interventions that I didn't that that didn't feel, to me that that was what I was here to do. So I actually left the field and decided to go back into training as a neuro musculoskeletal medicine specialist. So I got board certified in that field, which is where a do goes back into training, and only does osteopathic treatment only brings that modality to their patients. So I decided to stop put down my prescription pad, and really get into working with people in a very involved way. So I found the work of Jim jealous Who is he was my mentor he passed this year. And he became like a father figure to me and taught me a modality of osteopathy, called Bio dynamics,

Damaris Grossmann:

what's it called?

Dr. Jess Bell:

Bio dynamics bio

Damaris Grossmann:

dynamics, okay.

Dr. Jess Bell:

And what that means, basically, is that I was, I was trained to put my hands on patients and feel indwelling motion, meaning my hands don't move, and they go onto the skin surface lightly. And inside the patient, there's a world of healing that is constantly ebbing and flowing and pulsating. And then all of a sudden, when we synchronize with that world, there's images that come in that I can actually see literally see, bones, joints, ligaments, organ systems, it's it's just the most beautiful, miraculous healing form, that I just, it was always in my path, I just It took me a little while to get there. And so after going through a lot of training in this, so I started to get more and more and more alternative and spiritual, in how I was working with patients and they were getting better, I was watching people get better. And in the most like mysterious and mystical Ways To be honest, sometimes I didn't even really know what I was doing. And patients would come onto the table and a lot of pain. I feel things happen literally with my hands resting on their bodies, and they get up and then feel amazing. They were like, wow, that was incredible. And they would describe the exact experience that I was feeling. So I just went with it. You know, I stopped needing to know all I'm you know, come from evidence based medicine. I'm a board certified pain management specialist. I have a lot of knowledge about pain and the musculoskeletal system. But I could never really solve the problem of why are we in pain? How can we keep the pain from coming back? You know, what is the real recipe for success here. And so after eight years of working in my I opened my own practice, and started working just really as a hands on osteopath until 2020. And then I shut my practice down for reasons that we all know. And I basically knew I had to do something to continue to help my patients and I have a very spiritual I am 100% based in spirit, I connect to source energy. And so I started working with a very high level intuitive and she looked at me and the very first words she said were, Wow, you are a powerful energy healer. And as soon as she said those words, my whole body lit up and I started when my hand started tingling. And she said you're not you don't have to treat patients in person. Because you work in the quantum. You can treat them anywhere you want. To end you just need to basically do one treatment and you'll know how to do it. And that's exactly you know, at first I cried because I thought How do I how do I even do that? I'm an osteopath. I use my hands. You know, osteopaths are this hands on. So I literally, it was like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. And I, I called my friend who was a patient and I said, Hey, I want to treat you, but not in my house, which is where my practice was. And so, and so he jumped in. And he said, of course, you know, like, just tell me what to do. And the moment I started to treat him, I could feel everything like I would if he was sitting like right in front of me. And that was the beginning. And that was in May of 2020. And I just, I was like, I mean, blown out of the water, with what I started to what I basically just kind of jumped into, which is the body's energetic. And I as an osteopath, I'm actually trained to work within the energetic systems of the body, and I didn't even know it because they don't train us that way in school. So from there, I land I launched into a whole new practice. And I started using a modality that i i call energetic, osteopathy, which means that I can do treatments on people's bodies in person, but it's not required. So I treat people from anywhere around the world. And there's specific steps that I go through that I actually am now. putting together programs, I started to teach programs, where I teach other people how to do this, because the other cool thing that I've realized throughout this whole process is I mentioned really briefly that I was run over by a car when I was four, and the pain levels in my body have always been present. I've always had some kind of pain because of that injury. And, and I went to all the most amazing healers and osteopaths that, you know, I've been very blessed in my life to have access to great care, holistic care. But I was always I always had pain in some way. And I discovered during this whole time that not only can I treat people, others patients with energetic osteopathy, I can treat myself, because pretty perfect. I didn't. Yeah, so I basically stepped out of pain that I had been, you know, dancing around with for 40 years. And I don't have that. I don't just I don't have it anymore. So I realized I have to teach others because our, especially our doctors and our health care providers, not not not that they're more deserving than anyone else, but but then they can teach their patients. And so I'm on a panel now, which is seems a very important, especially especially now. Yep, exactly. So that's my path. So that's kind of how I got from where I started to now.

Damaris Grossmann:

That's a lot, you know. But if you have so much to offer, not just for patients, but like now you're saying in this realm of trying to help providers, and they're burnout and tired and, and exhausted in probably excruciating pain in so many different levels. That I think there's a wealth of people that need that. Would you like to talk about I don't have obviously, disclosures, but like a patient or a story, other than yourself that you felt that has kind of even more guided you where you're at now?

Dr. Jess Bell:

Yeah, yes, definitely. This is one of probably the one of the most profound experiences that I've ever had. So, because I believe that, really, that our bodies, and I was always help people to kind of come down from the gross anatomy level down to the level of the photon, because when you break it down, and you start to see, you know, it's exactly you know, I, which we're not trained in chronic quantum physics, we're trained and, and I always joke about, you know, I'm like, why is it that doctors are trained on dead people, you know, we go into the gross anatomy labs, and we learn about the tissues of the body, you know, in stagnation, and the truth is, that's never the case. And so an osteopath knows. Now, osteopathy really is trained in the cranial system, which is that the the body moves and is always changing. And so so when we can get into this concept that the body is 100%, composed of photon waves, packages of light. And then when we package them together in a very compressed form, we get what we perceive as being matter, but there is no matter that is dense, we're not solid, we're waiting. And so that, then we can look at different things that we think would be solid, like a cancerous tumor. And I have questions all the time from people who say, you know, what do you do with patients who have cancer or who have, you know, towards terminal illnesses? So, I'm always reminded of this one particular experience that I had earlier on, and it was working with a patient with cancer and she was just diagnosed. And, and this particular time, I've treated her both from a distance and also hands on but this particular time I was hands on. And and so I she had just told me that she had colorectal cancer and just come back she'd had it before. And now it was it was back and so she was afraid and We happen to be away on a retreat at the time, she was leading a meditation retreat that I was on. And, and I worked with her as a patient, she was also a friend, and a mentor, you know, in certain spiritual communities. And so I said, you know, the words came out of my mouth, I need to treat you. And I don't know where they came from, I just knew it had to happen. And in our osteopathic circles, and also in some of our physical therapy circles, and, you know, cancer, especially if there's risk of metastasis. It's almost as if there's, there's so much fear around the diagnosis of cancer that, that our medical community treads lightly when it comes to enhancement work, right, cancer work, like it's because we don't want to spread it. So I thought, well, that's silly, you know, why would we not work with somebody who has cancer, because I know, this is my sense that all ailments in the body are densely packaged collections of energy. And that what what osteopathy really is, is about finding it going into not the outside of it, not the place where it's really contracted and restricted, but find the actual center. Because inside of the center of anything, no matter how dense no matter how dysfunctional no matter how diseased lives, the health or love, there's, there's actually pure energy in there. And that when we when we tune into that, we dissolve that we call it a lesion field, we dissolve the lesion field from the inside out, that's how I work. So I I learned this because I decided that I would treat this patient friend and I decided to put her hand underneath her sacrum or her tailbone, and then one hand above it. So I basically encapsulated the tumor, where I had a hand above and below, and I saw it I literally synchronized with her body. And when I say I see something, it's that I see it inside of my head. I see it in my, my whole body sees it. So we're talking about inner senses here. And a lot of osteopaths have developed and everybody has the capacity to develop their inner senses. It's just that we're not trained to to. So for a year, you know, I've been saying osteopathy for over 20 years now. So this is something that I've acquired over time, to be able to really feel and see these inside of people's bodies. It's really incredible. So I went in and I saw the outer cortex of this tumor, I could literally feel it in my whole body. And it felt very frenetic. It felt very scattered and chaotic. And I thought the thought was I felt the fear that I had, because I've been taught to be afraid of cancer. And so I felt myself get really fearful, and I almost backed away. And then in that moment, this hummingbird came into the window that I was looking out of, and it hovered right in front of me and a hummingbird is a totem of mine. It's a spirit animal of mine, and they've come for years now to send messages of joy. You know, dancing, hummingbirds have a hummingbird Lacey. Yes, I have honey. Well, I actually don't have hummingbirds here. But um, but I have fell over because they're just birds. But birds, birds in general, right. Yeah, it's it's about you know, anyway, it's about soaring to new heights. And there's so many messages that birds bring us but hummingbirds bring a specific medicine. Anyway, the hummingbird came in, I heard it, I felt the message, which was Don't go, don't go, go. Wow. And so I did, I just it was almost like, I could see myself opening up the doorway of this outer cortex of fear. And I went right into the middle of it where love lives. And that is true of all of us. Inside the middle of all lesion fields, all densities, love, There's love in there were made of love. And dense energy is just energy that's not moving as well. And so I went in and I saw, I saw the center of this tumor. And all of a sudden, I felt the tumor just evaporate under the swelling of what I could find in the middle of it. And my friend decided that she was going to go ahead and get radiation. And so she went, when she got back from this retreat that we were on to get a scan to mark the size of the tumor in preparation for radiation treatment, and it wasn't there.

Damaris Grossmann:

Wow, oh my God more.

Dr. Jess Bell:

You know, so what do we do with that information. And we hear about spontaneous remissions all the time, you know, so I don't take any ownership over that. I know, it was a very guided experience. And it taught me that there is absolutely nothing that we cannot bring our bodies back into alignment with. And that what we are being called to do here is find the love because the love is actually the foundation of every single system of our bodies. That's the energy that we're made of. So that now guides everything that I do whenever I feel, you know, if somebody has pain, it's pressurized energy and stagnation that's moving very well. And so whether it's a shoulder impingement or whether it's, you know, chronic migraine headaches or whether it's cancer or what, whatever, whatever, whatever, it doesn't matter what it is, our bodies are designed to flow energetically. And when that flow is stagnant in some way or distorted in some way. We then get a reverberation of vibrational dissonance, and I go in I'm able to actually go in there and find it. So that's basically the treatment that I offer. universally, very profound. Yeah, it is.

Damaris Grossmann:

Amazing. It's pretty incredible. Probably one of the few in the country that does less work, you know,

Dr. Jess Bell:

you know, I actually checked this out, because and this is why, you know, I'll share with, we were just talking before the show recording that I have been working with both patients, one on one, and you know, and I actually now also treat groups of people at one time. And I, I offer these big teaching programs, so I can teach the tools because we actually are all equipped to be able to move our own dense energy through the body, it's, it's just one of those things that our bodies were all born to be able to do. But we don't talk about this. In medical school, we don't talk about this in our modern medical, you know, worlds. And, you know, I really feel that that's about to change. And I

Damaris Grossmann:

learned a lot of this my nursing nurse practitioners, yeah, it was just like, basic was very vague. It was like, oh, yeah, here's a little bit of this, and then you have to learn it on your own,

Dr. Jess Bell:

you will learn it on your own. And, and it's, it's challenging. And, you know, I feel that, for me, I stumbled upon it, I have to share this one quick story, I didn't know I was starting to treat other people. But much of what I'm teaching the reason I'm teaching it now, as far as you know, we're in a very sick world right now. And people are getting very sick, and our doctors are all our all of our not our doctors, but all of our health care providers are getting very, very burnt out, they need the healing. You know, it's an endurance race with no end. So I went for a run in August of 2020. And I was it was one of those days where I just felt great from the start, you know, normally, it takes me a little while to get into a run, this day just felt different, I felt very laid on my feet. And so I started running along and I realized I was running much faster than I normally do. And I felt my hand starting to float a little bit by my sides as if they were being like, held up by strings. And it was, that's the same feeling I get. So when I treat people, what I connect with my hands, whether you're in my office, and I'm doing a treatment on your body, or whether I'm you're you're in your home, and I'm in my home, my hands are feel I feel the magnetism of the electromagnetic frequencies. And it's quantum healing. So it doesn't matter if we're in the same time space, right, we're always in the same time space. And so you know, we we have rational thinking minds that really have a hard time with this. So we won't go into that right now. But it's, it is absolutely possible to treat from anywhere in the world. Because there's just no distance between us really when we work energetically. So I started to feel the buoyancy of my hands just as if I was treating somebody. And so I realized as I was running along, that I wasn't I wasn't, obviously I wasn't treating anyone I was just out on a run, I was actually starting to feel my own electromagnetic frequencies with my hands, it was coming into my hands, and it was pushing my hands away from my body. And so I played with it as I was running along. And then when I came home, I thought, okay, if I can feel my own frequencies this way, that means that I might be able to actually work with them. So I did, I sat down as if I was in a meditation position, and I went through my own body as if I was treating somebody else. And I actually treated myself, it was the most unbelievable experience, because I never knew I could do it. And so I decided that I would just start working in my own body this way, and things started changing. I told you about that pain that I had when I was you know, when I was run over, I always had a left sacral issue. But like I said, a sacroiliac joint, that just never really worked very well. And so whatever I would do, if I was out for a run, for example, oftentimes it would get hooked on itself. And I would have to stop. And it was just a real, lifelong challenge. I've always been athletic, and I never slowed me down too much. But it was always there. Like a little thorn in my side. And I just kind of thought, I'll always have this. I don't have it anymore. I honestly cannot tell you the last time I even had a twinge of that pain. And nobody was able to help me with it. I mean, even my mentor who I think is the most powerful osteopath that ever was on this planet, you know, he would treat me I'd feel a little bit better, but it was never the root, I could never get to the root. And this work, self directed treatment gets to the root of our bodies. And the thing that I learned and this is why I'm so passionate about teaching this is there is not a single human outside of you who's more powerful at healing you then you are so I'm building a whole school based on this. We have to learn this stuff. Because as I can't wait

Damaris Grossmann:

to learn, I want to learn right like what I mean there's plenty of pain points for me and then I can talk to you about him. Sure, love it, but but I like I actually I love what you had stated that no one can heal you better than you. We talk about that just in a general meditation conversations. Yes, and this takes it to another level of you can't move No one else can look within. Without, you know, people can see or have ideas but they don't know you. Right? You know you. Yeah, that's scary. That's got to be a lot. Wow, I can only imagine Oh,

Dr. Jess Bell:

it's not scary at all. I mean, it is, oh my gosh, it's well, you know, I My passion is anatomy and physiology and you know, I'm I have that's just been I've always loved you know, from that very young age of learning how to do all that weightlifting, I've always had a passion for the musculoskeletal system, I just love muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, you know, that's why I never went into internal medicine. I went into physical medicine and rehabilitation. And so when we work inside of our bodies, I, you know, meditation and all of these spiritual arts are really helpful at taming the mind and quieting down our autonomic nervous system, because so many of us are in survival mode all the time, our sympathetic nervous systems go crazy, right, especially now, nobody knows what's going on. So so we're on screech all the time. So meditation, and all of those practices, I think, are amazing at relaxation, and helping us get back into our body. But the thing that there are that we're missing here is the specifics, if you have a shoulder problem is meditation, going to help with that shoulder problem, it can help to cause relaxation of your whole body. But I really feel that what we're missing, and this is the bridge part that I brought in at the very beginning, which is, this is actual medicine, that's specific, we're going into organs, I treat people's livers all the time, I actually had a patient who had a liver transplant, and we set her up to receive her liver by opening up the energetic connections to get that donor liver better situated within her body, I had another patient who had acute renal failure, which is the kidneys, her, her kidneys shut down. And so I actually saw when I worked with her that she had some restrictions within the renal arteries, those main arteries that go to the kidneys. So because the specific dense energy or the the, the stenosis, the narrowing of an artery becomes visible, then we can go into our own systems and the systems of our patients and actually work specifically to move those things through. So this is actually beyond energy healing that I've ever heard of before. This is like truly based in the anatomical system of body, right in motion. Right? So it's, it's different. So it's really, and this is the way it's always been, I mean, our Aboriginal society. And you know, healing has always been mystical and scientific. But we lost it, we lost it, you know, we divided it in half. And now we have the healers, who are kind of woowoo. And, you know, like, dismissed. And then we have like the scientists who are evidence based and neither in an in their own realms, it's incomplete on both sides.

Damaris Grossmann:

But hence why I started this, this passion project of even just the podcast just going totally, please, let's be integrated. Let's all talk about it. Let's have a conversation, please. So that's why I love you know, individuals like yourself coming on the show. It's like, let's, let's not be afraid to have just what you're talking about, I don't know nearly as much about, but I want us to talk about it. That's why I want people to know about you, you know, and to find you and to be available to not fear the unknown. Yeah, there's a lot of things in science, we don't know, of course, just because it hasn't been you know, it the, what's it called the theory hasn't been made doesn't mean that the theory doesn't exist, you know, in a way or something energetically, it just because it has or can't be seen doesn't mean it's it doesn't, you know, it's non existent? Or what's the word esoteric? It's not just an esoteric, whatever. Like you said, the healers on one side, the scientists, why should it have to be like that? I think it's having those, or are we willing to have those conversations together? Super important, you know, we're not be afraid to like, let your egos build aside, you know, I just, I'm so thankful for you to be on the podcast and you know, on the show, and, and for you to just kind of open up about different things in your field and your new side of medicine. I guess I wouldn't even say it's new. It's old. Bringing it back. Yeah. How can those like do you have just one small tip for the audience that you'd like to share?

Dr. Jess Bell:

Yes, absolutely. The most important thing that I can offer is that we have to take the time, every single day to redirect the flow of our energy systems. Because we all know the Newtonian law, that energy can't be created or destroyed. This energy is constant. But what we have ownership over and control over is where are we putting it? Where do we shine that energy? So when we're out in the world, and we're doing our things our lives, if we're using our outer five senses, energy is going outside of the body. Okay, what I love people to understand yours that energy is vital for healing, for feeling full for feeling energized for feeling, I talk about voltage all the time. So when we're spending all of our time, you know, connecting with our patients or our loved ones, or our friends, or whomever, and then we're out on social media or to connecting into social media platforms, and where we're doing all the things that we do in our lives, the energy that we could be redirecting into our bodies is getting pushed outside of the body. And so this is beyond meditation, what I'm about to share, if you can think about yourself, everything that you do outside of your body, as leeching energy that your body could actually be using to repair itself, and to restore its circuitry, right. So we, it's so important that we go inside of ourselves every day, especially so that we can feel connected. So that I mean, how many of us walk around feeling totally disconnected, we put our keys down somewhere, we don't even know where to put them, right? We're not even in our bonds. So the only way to get into the body is to is to reclaim the energy that we're putting out. This is how it works for me. I do this every single day, multiple times a day often, and I'm a busy person. So you know, I know that it's very easy for us to be in that excuse mindset of that sounds great. But I don't have time to do that everybody has time to do this. It's just that we're not prioritizing it. Because we don't know that we should, right. So when I wake up in the morning, one of the very first things that I do, and this is a really good time of day to do it, because it sets the stage for the whole day is I get onto my meditation cushion, I have a really special like place where I sit in my house and I light a candle. And I have like a practice that I do. And I sit down. So this is what it looks like for me, I get into my body, I sit in a really comfortable position, whether it's in a chair, the idea is to have an upright spine, because our energy system has a vertical column of energy that runs right through it right just in front of the spine. So if we can sit upright with our shoulders relaxed, or head directly above our spine, it keeps that channel really open. One of the most amazing things to be able to do is just connect in and one thing I'll recommend here, and there's so much I could say is, is to get into our hearts every day. Because the energy that comes from our brain is very busy. And it kind of is we get lost in it, we get lost in our thoughts, don't we? We're constantly thinking we don't even know it. The electromagnetic frequencies coming out of the heart and the field of electromagnetic magnetism around the hardest, 50 times bigger and stronger than that of the head. But oftentimes, if all we're doing everyday is thinking, and processing, and problem solving, and list making, and going from one thing to the next, we do so at the expense of living from a heart centered body centered place. And so if all that you do is just get up in your morning or somewhere during your day, close your eyes down. And what I do is I take you can probably see me doing this right now, I take my hands and I placed them about can't really tell but I'm about three inches or so above my heart, not on my skin. And I just start to feel the air, the space, the energy, air is just energy, it's ether, just in front of the heart, and start to breathe there. And when you close your eyes down, bring your attention to that space in the middle of your chest. So you're not breathing air, you can start by just imagining the air filling your lungs up. And that might be where you enter in. But then shift your attention so that it's no longer on the air coming into your lungs. But it's on the breath, which is now energy coming into the middle of your heart. And just beginning to breathe into the center of the heart actually ignites the electromagnetic frequencies there. And you will feel calmer, you will feel more loving, you will feel more embodied. So the most important thing is that we bring our energy down out of the head and into the body. There's energy centers throughout the body. And I always talk about rooting down to the earth and that's a whole nother so there's, there's so many ways to do this. And yeah, I'd love to share more. But that's one one really important.

Damaris Grossmann:

No, I I want people to reach out to you. And I will put all of the information in the show notes. Do you have any extra way that they can reach you? I mean, I do have your website, but I'd love for you to share it just quickly on the

Dr. Jess Bell:

day. Yeah, yeah. My website is really all inclusive. And so go to Dr. D o c t o r, Jess bell.com. So je s SP e ll calm and on there. There are lots of ways for us to work together something that I do recommend for anyone who's just curious about this and wants just a way to kind of sample what this is all about. I do monthly group, you know healing sessions using this modality that I offer my patients which is energetic osteopathy. And I also do a teaching in the middle of so it's a one hour session. And I do this on a monthly basis, I actually have one coming up, but I know this won't air for a few, a few months, so, but

Damaris Grossmann:

you do one every month, when I would love for them to be available, you know, to know that once a month, I'll be able to reach you and then I'll have everything the shownotes for them to reach out to you to. So I really appreciate your time and for you taking for you know, being on the show. It's just really great because I I think there's so much valued information and a wealth of knowledge that those that could really listen, you know, and be a part of, and I know that someone here as listening has some everyone has some part of their chronic pain or pain within themselves or within their life that they could use. And not just pain. I mean, just healing. Absolutely. Because you know, we need the time. I don't think we always give ourselves that time. We do not know. Thank you so much again.

Dr. Jess Bell:

Yeah, thank you so much. This

Damaris Grossmann:

was great. I really appreciate it. So thank you guys for coming on the mindfully integrative show, and make sure you find each and every day a mindful way.

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