Mindfully Integrative Show

Mindful Chat with Eileen Franco

March 18, 2022 Season 2
Mindfully Integrative Show
Mindful Chat with Eileen Franco
Mindfully Integrative Show + Bonus Episode
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Show Notes Transcript

Hola!! Eileen is a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and Gravity Yoga Instructor. She was working in the corporate world when her body started to transition into midlife phase. She had just gotten a promotion and the first couple of months were very difficult. The brain fog was incredibly debilitating and the lack of focus and memory was even worse. Due to insomnia, extreme fatigue, the constant episodic hot flashes occurring throughout the day and night, she was barely able to function. Several months later, she had a health breakdown and ended up with a short-term disability.

It took one year for her to recover her health. During this time, she recovered her well-being but also recreated her career. She was focused on finding natural solutions to the peri-menopause symptoms that would give her immediate relief. Her determination kept her building upon her findings that she end up creating an arsenal of Holistic Wellness tools and strategies to reverse most of the symptoms, eliminate, or if not significantly reduce others.

When it seems like there isn’t a way out or a solution to our wellness, think again. You are not alone sister. There are plenty of holistic natural solutions to go from struggling to thriving.

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Damaris Grossmann:

Hi, how are you? This is Damaris, Maria Grossman. And then this is the mindfully integrative show. And today we have an amazing guest for this mindful chap. Her name is Eileen Franco her specialty and guidance for today in integrative health is she is a holistic wellness coach, and she has a wealth of knowledge and so much to share with you on her journey and her path and where she is in integrative health, as I call it, or just a different way of healing and change. So thank you so much, Eileen, for being on the show.

Eileen Franco:

Thank you so much Damaris, for having me here on your show. I'm really excited to be here. Thank you. Yay,

Damaris Grossmann:

thank you again. And so um, share with the audience a little bit about yourself, you know, kind of where you came from, the kind of got you to where you are now, that could be a different parts, maybe Part A Part B.

Eileen Franco:

Okay, so I started for many years, I've worked in the corporate world since I was a teenager. And most of that time I spent doing, being a project manager. And the corporation was going through some organizational changes, tried to get out the market didn't work for me at the time. So I applied for a role. At the same time that I transitioned into a new role, my body decided to transition into perimenopause and that create, and that created a lot of chaos, because as you can imagine, you have to go ahead and prove yourself while you're undergoing this huge physical change. There was a lot I wasn't sleeping well, that was that was happening even before this transition. immense amount of fatigue, immense amount on clarity, no mental clarity, lack of focus, lack of concentration, no energy, it was episodes as symptoms day in and day out. So there was one evening, one time I went to my doctor to really get to see what a solution for me to help me. What can she offered me to help me feel better and my body to kind of calm down because I felt like I was in an alien body? And the answer that I got from my doctor was, well get used to it, this is the way it's going to be going forward. On. Yes, unless you want medication. So for me, that was like a jaw opening moment. But it lit a fire under me. And what it did was it took me on a hunt. And I researched alternative natural solutions. I started reading books, I started following functional medicine doctors, and I was able I became a guinea pig. And being a guinea pig and trying these natural strategies to help me to overcome the symptoms in a natural way. Because I was not, I never been prone to taking medication. So I wanted something natural and safe for me. And in doing so I was able to find something that gave me some immediate relief to some of the symptoms, but I still had a long way to go. And then while still trying these different strategies that I had learned. There was a change in leadership that ended me in short term disability with multiple diagnosis, I had a health breakdown. And I was put out on disability with chronic stress, fatigue, insomnia, depression and anxiety. And these are all classic symptoms of perimenopause, adrenal fatigue, and a body that was just not able to function at its best. So that changed my life and brought me up to where I am today. Oh, good. Wow,

Damaris Grossmann:

that sounds like a small but big story.

Eileen Franco:

Yeah. Um, it really was the

Damaris Grossmann:

when you were going through kind of that journey of, well, the transition of your work. You obviously seemed like you must have had some dark moments to change and transition from that life. What did you start to do first, in that when you were trying to, you know, read books and such, you said, you're trying to change your health right or change this situation? What did you go to first?

Eileen Franco:

Well, what I did was I started to look, search for functional medicine, alternative solutions, and one of those first things was fasting. Fasting really helped to bring down cellular inflammation. And that made a huge difference for me and in how I was feeling and in some of the symptoms I was having, it really greatly reduced the episodes that I was having around the clock, to you know, greatly reduce the amount I was having throughout the day.

Damaris Grossmann:

So you kind of lowered your sugar intake and you're you're open were all like food consumption led to like, what a 16 hour, 14 hour day?

Eileen Franco:

Well, I really didn't lower much my food intake I just started do, I still ate the same amount of food, I just shortened my eating window. I then started to implement more healthier, I thought I was always on a healthy path path, you know, assist the age of 22, I was inspired by my family to get on a healthy path, not because they were healthy, but because they were experiencing a lot of chronic pain and a lot of issues with the health and I didn't want to age like that. So when I came to two, when I came into this transition, and needed to find what worked for me, I started with fasting. But I needed to improve more of my nutrition. And I did that later on. But the very first thing was really fasting incrementing my fasting hours. And what worked for me was a 16, eight hour fast to help reduce a lot of the inflammation I was experiencing at the time.

Damaris Grossmann:

That's awesome. And do you still do 16? Eight, or do you do like a 14? Like I still do.

Eileen Franco:

I still do. And I buried my fast because I want to. There's different facets that target different different things, for instance, and omad targets one meal a day fast targets digestion, right? And then there's the autophagy fasting, mostly a 16, eight hour fasts that I do. That's what works for my body because that 15 to 15 hours, I was still experiencing crazy symptoms.

Damaris Grossmann:

You're okay. Wow. That's, that's excellent. And you do this for the most part regularly. That's great. I

Eileen Franco:

do this regularly on Well, ever since I had the health breakdown. I did this I do this every day I bury it, because that's where it you become metabolically flexible. When you're very You're fast. Right? You can't and then you get more results like that. So yes, I bury them every week, every week is a different type of fast. So I throw in this I throw in that depending on what I want to do that week.

Damaris Grossmann:

So from then from transitioning your you know, he then you said you went into nutrition for yourself. And now you're a holistic and wellness coach. So what made you kind of go from trying to fix your health to now trying to help

Eileen Franco:

fix other people so Okay, so what made me a well, I

Damaris Grossmann:

made the kind of was it what was the kind of like the Kickstarter for you.

Eileen Franco:

The Kickstarter for me was actually the transition into perimenopause and China and figuring it out for myself and alleviating my symptoms and being able to reverse my symptoms and feel amazing. And also, and also the health breakdown. So I felt that I needed to become a holistic wellness coach, because it was the easier path for me, or the fastest if you would, if you know fastest to help out there and help women so what I do is I help business women to solve their challenges with perimenopause and menopause. You know, being a business woman myself as having gone through the transition and knowing how it impacts our daily life and career, because it affected my career. You know, I'm uniquely positioned to help them reverse their current state of wellbeing. So I use the same natural tools and strategies that I use with my clients, I help them transition into a healthier lifestyle that better serve them because your old lifestyle or the permanent one at the open till that point no longer serves you. It helps you I help them to lose the weight and to transform their to create a transformation so they can recover their well being.

Damaris Grossmann:

That sounds really profound. I mean, it's also sounds like, you've probably have helped a lot of clients. You know, what was, you know, when with your story and helping these clients now that you are in this part now helping others? How do you feel? Or do you have a story of one of them that you'd like to share?

Eileen Franco:

Yeah, well, I'll tell you, I'll tell you both, if you want, I feel it's very for me, it's just very satisfying and fulfilling to be able to see how you can transform the health of another person and how they feel amazing. One of my clients, she came to me and she was having a having, she felt like she was nine months pregnant. And it was really her combination of her lifestyle, getting sick, not eating properly. And in eight weeks, I put her through my holistic program that targets several areas of wellness, which is important for the women to keep top of mind and she submitted herself through that program, and she has such an amazing transformation. She had high blood pressure. She had fatty liver inflammation, high blood sugar level. The program filters so much her doctor took her off the high Blood medication pills. Awesome. Oh, so

Damaris Grossmann:

she went off of high blood pressure medication. And She lowered her sugar Probably, yes. Yeah. So she made a lot of her behaviors.

Eileen Franco:

Yes. What we the program teaches that the program that I offer my clients teaches them to change, transition, create a transition, but you know, not something that is, it has to be slow, and increments, if we do it 123, no one's going to be able to adapt that quickly. Right. So that's why I teach them the tools and the strategies as well as I transition them to eat better, and what they need to eat to help them during this phase of their lives. So that way they can, because really, the bottom line, there are underlying causes for these symptoms. And one of them is our toxin toxicity in our body, it stress and, and what we eat.

Damaris Grossmann:

No, I agree. I definitely agree with that. Because what we put in our body can it can affect so many things. And you've been now feel how many years has it been now since your own your own situation that transitioned you?

Eileen Franco:

Um, it's been three years now? Three years?

Damaris Grossmann:

Oh, wow. And every day now, do you feel like you've been, you know, you're in this new kind of, like, I say, new way of living

Eileen Franco:

the new lifestyle? Yes, I do. And I improve it all the time to Maris because, you know, there's always, you know, Will, there's always events, right, and you go out to eat, and you can't control what other people put in their food that is not healthy, right? So you come back and I feel it right away when I eat something that my body is just because it does self awareness is really being mindful and say, Okay, I just ate Let me see how my body reacts, right. So I get to feel that right away my, you know, symptoms come back with a vengeance. And it's like, Okay, that didn't work. So it's kind of like, every day you learn more about your body, and what it requires for you to support it, as you go in this new lifestyle and to also, you know, give you the the life that you want, you know, because you don't want to be in a body that can function. And it's sad that many women don't deal don't treat their symptoms. In a in a recent study. There's 73% of women that don't and that's really sad. For me,

Damaris Grossmann:

I think it it comes down to they're not willing to take their own time for themselves, because they are worrying about others, right? majority of them are moms or family members. Yes, I've watched a lot of from what I've seen so far with my clients, and then you probably have two and then two, I find that it's just they are maybe they're in denial or you know, it, there's it's like almost where you're not willing to see what's going on, right? Because then it means you have to really be real.

Eileen Franco:

No, I totally understand, I totally agree with that, as a mother of three that I am myself, I wasn't taking care of myself, I always put myself on the back burner. And I felt that coming through this journey of having to recover my health and figuring out what works for my body. And how I can reverse what I was going through. I felt that bottom line it had to do with a lack of self love not loving myself enough to give my body and myself what I needed to be able to take care of everyone else. And you know, not not pour from an empty cup, if you will.

Damaris Grossmann:

I I agree not pouring from an empty cup. Because if I did not and for yourself, if you did not fill your cup halfway, you would not be the best version of yourself for others. And it's hard to see that sometimes it's hard to see that. But when it when you get to that other edge of the from the dark to the light side and you you've given yourself that self love, have you noticed or you obviously have noticed and seeing the changes that it can do and went and family probably have they noticed or seen a difference in you.

Eileen Franco:

I have so many women that come up to me and ask me especially women that are going through this transition is like why do you feel amazing? How do you have libido? Please explain to me how do you have a libido because I lost mine? And why do you have energy you keep exercising? And you know, women notice and i i I have a passion and I'm I'm on a mission to try to help as many women to get there as well. Because I feel that this life is about that serving something that's bigger than us and it's really being in service to others and helping them feel good at school as well. And it's you know, it's like you said we're not aware of it until something happens to our health and then at that point is when a light bulb goes on.

Damaris Grossmann:

Yeah, it's like that the bottom part you know, when you go out we I really do have to make a difference here. And the fact that you're on a steady path and and then trying to help others is always like a really important part of the equation. And what would you like to share? I'm gonna have all your information in the show notes for people to reach you, but how would you like those to reach you and to have in a way or an upcoming event coming or something that you'd like to share with the audience?

Eileen Franco:

Yes, I mean, I have an upcoming event next Wednesday, on the 16th at 7pm. A Pm is a holistic approach to a balanced body, I'm going to do a webinar and talk about what that really means being. Sometimes we tend to think that being unbalanced is just diet and exercise. And that was me at first thinking that it was just diet and exercise. But it's really integrating our whole life's holistic wellness does take us beyond diet and exercise, they are priority, but there's more to it. And I want to educate women specifically on what that is on a general level, and then more on a specific level. So I'm having this free webinar that's coming up February 16, at 7pm to 8pm. And you can go ahead and send me an email to sign up and I can send you the details, because I don't have it on my website yet. But I do have it on my link tree. If I could share the link tree with you through the chat, then maybe you can put that in your show notes. Would that work? The Maris?

Damaris Grossmann:

Oh, absolutely. And then we and then if you have it pre recorded to that would be great if that webinar at some point,

Eileen Franco:

too. Oh, yeah. I mean, I'll record it. And I can send it to you that way. You can have it for your clients, if that's very helpful. But let me get you that link. At some

Damaris Grossmann:

point. Yeah, that'd be great. Um, so do you have a little additional info that you'd like to share? Before we before we go for the night?

Eileen Franco:

Yes. If anyone wants to go ahead and know where to start to? I'm sorry. Oh, well, here's my you know, if anyone wants to know where to start to start balancing their bodies, usually, you know, people don't know where to begin, right. And there are three things that we must do in order to begin because sometimes women think that we oh, I need to go ahead and just balance my sex hormones. No, it goes, you can't reach your sex hormones. If you don't, there's a whole whole bunch of other things that we need to take care of. There's our hormone system. There's the adrenals. There's the hormone center, right? So I created a free ebook that it's my my top three tips for restarting to to start balancing your body. And you can get that on my website at radiant Wellness Coach calm, and I'll put that link in here as well. And that's, yep. So here's the link to so here's the link tree to my so they can sign up for the registration to the free webinar. And then I'll get you a link to download the free ebook. They can download it. And they can read what to start with, which is foundational, these are things that you must begin with because otherwise, you're not going to get sustainable results. That's that's

Damaris Grossmann:

so true. That's so true. I thank you so much for being on the show and for our time, and I can't wait for those to reach out to you. And for those listening today. Thank you for being in the mindful integrative show. And make sure that you find a mindful way each and every day. Thanks

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